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Treasury Consulting - Financial Instruments (FI) Desk

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd is a Singaporean Multinational Group headquartered in Singapore. Sitting today Company is having more than 8 Verticals having 40 Business Streams. We do covers Clients across the Globe covering Markets like United States (US), Canadian Markets, Australia & New Zealand (ANZ), Asian Financial Markets (Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines), OPEC Region (Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Bahrain), African Markets, Indian Markets and still counting.

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd Financial Markets Instruments (FI) Desk which covering all types of Financial Instruments like Over the Counter (OTC), Exchange Traded Derivatives (ETD), Deliverable Financial Instruments, Non Deliverable Finance Instruments, Onshore Financial Markets Instruments, Offshore Financial Markets Instruments, Structured Finance Instruments and Trade Finance. Sitting today our Financial Instruments Desk covering broad range of instruments like Certificates of Deposits (CD), Commercial Papers (CP), Bankers Acceptances (BA), Repurchase Obligations (Repo), Reverse Repurchase Obligations (Reverse Repo), Treasury Bills (T Bills), Treasury Notes, Treasury Bonds, Corporate Bonds, Swap Spreads Traded Bonds, Stock ETD, Index ETD - Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), Index Traded Funds (ITF), Currency ETD, Deliverable Derivatives - Forwards, Options, Swaps, Non Deliverable Derivatives - Forwards, Options, Swaps, Structured Finance and Trade Finance Instruments like Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), Letter of Credit (L/C), Bank Guarantees (BG) and respective Instruments. 

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd upcoming subsidiary in Singapore developing Non Deliverable Financial Instruments Desk covering 8000 Assets Classes and to be linked with Financial Data Reference Providers, Financial Terminals, Order Management Systems (OMS) and Execution Management Systems (EMS)

Our Vision

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd vision to cover all aspects of Financial Markets specially Trade Life Cycle Management (TLCM). We envisaged to be a Platform Company by 2020 and to turn up 8-9 Platforms in next few Years covering G3, G7, G10 Financial Markets. Treasury Consulting LLP envisaged to be a Financial Technological Company covering Financial Terminals, Treasury Management Systems (TMS) and P2P Repo Desk.

Financial Instruments (FI) Desk

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Financial Instruments (FI) Desk envisaged to cover all Financial Instruments - OTC FI, Exchange Trade Derivatives FI, Onshore Financial Markets FI, Offshore Financial Markets FI, Deliverable Markets FI, Non Deliverable Markets FI, Structured Financial Instruments. Our Financial Instruments Desk covering valuation capabilities from Plain Vanilla Portfolios till Exotic Portfolios.

Types of Financial Instruments

  • Over the Counter (OTC) Financial Instruments (FI)
    • Short Term
    • Medium Term
    • Long Term
    • Money Markets
    • Debt Markets
    • Capital Markets
    • Derivatives Markets
  • Exchange Traded Derivatives (ETD) Financial Instruments (FI)
    • Short Term
    • Medium Term
    • Long Term
    • Money Markets
    • Debt Markets
    • Capital Markets
    • Derivatives Markets
  • Deliverable / Onshore Markets Financial Instruments (FI)
    • Short Term
    • Medium Term
    • Long Term
    • Money Markets
    • Debt Markets
    • Capital Markets
    • Derivatives Markets
  • Non-Deliverable / Offshore Markets Financial Instruments (FI)
    • Short Term
    • Medium Term
    • Long Term
    • Money Markets
    • Debt Markets
    • Capital Markets
    • Derivatives Markets
  • Structured Financial Instruments
    • Short Term
    • Medium Term
    • Long Term
    • Money Markets
    • Debt Markets
    • Capital Markets
    • Derivatives Markets
  • Trade Finance Instruments
    • Short Term
    • Medium Term
    • Long Term
    • Money Markets
    • Debt Markets
    • Capital Markets
    • Derivatives Markets

Over the Counter (OTC) Financial Instruments (FI)

  • Certificates of Deposits
  • Commercial Papers
  • Bankers Acceptances
  • Euro Dollar Deposits
  • Repurchase Obligations (Repo)
  • Reverse Repurchase Obligations (Reverse Repo)
  • Corporate Bonds @ Z Spreads
  • Corporate Bonds @ Options Adjusted Spreads
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Over the Counter (OTC) Financial Instruments (FI)

  • Certificates of Deposits
  • Commercial Papers
  • Bankers Acceptances
  • Euro Dollar Deposits
  • Repurchase Obligations (Repo)
  • Reverse Repurchase Obligations (Reverse Repo)
  • Corporate Bonds @ Z Spreads
  • Corporate Bonds @ Options Adjusted Spreads
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Exchange Traded Derivatives Financial Instruments

  • Futures Contracts
  • Stock Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
  • Index Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
  • Currency Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
  • Commodities Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
  • Real Estate Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
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Exchange Traded Derivatives Financial Instruments

  • Futures Contracts
  • Stock Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
  • Index Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
  • Currency Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
  • Commodities Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
  • Real Estate Related Exchange Traded Derivatives
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Deliverable / Onshore Markets Financial Instruments

  • Deliverable Forwards Contracts – LTFX
  • Deliverable Options – Exotic Options
  • Deliverable Assets Swaps
  • Deliverable Basis Swaps
  • Deliverable LIBOR Swaps
  • Deliverable Overnight Index Swaps (OIS)
  • Deliverable Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
  • Interest Rate Collars (IRS)
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Deliverable / Onshore Markets Financial Instruments

  • Deliverable Forwards Contracts – LTFX
  • Deliverable Options – Exotic Options
  • Deliverable Assets Swaps
  • Deliverable Basis Swaps
  • Deliverable LIBOR Swaps
  • Deliverable Overnight Index Swaps (OIS)
  • Deliverable Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
  • Interest Rate Collars (IRS)
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Non-Deliverable / Offshore Markets Financial Instruments (FI)

  • Non-Deliverable Forwards Contracts – STFX
  • Deliverable Forwards Contracts – LTFX
  • Deliverable Options – Plain Vanilla Options
  • Deliverable Options – Exotic Options
  • Deliverable Options – Options Strategies
    • Range Forwards (Exporters)
    • Range Forwards (Importers)
    • Seagull (Exporters)
    • Seagull (Importers)
  • Deliverable LIBOR Swaps
  • Deliverable Overnight Index Swaps (OIS)
  • Deliverable Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
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Non-Deliverable / Offshore Markets Financial Instruments (FI)

  • Non-Deliverable Forwards Contracts – STFX
  • Deliverable Forwards Contracts – LTFX
  • Deliverable Options – Plain Vanilla Options
  • Deliverable Options – Exotic Options
  • Deliverable Options – Options Strategies
    • Range Forwards (Exporters)
    • Range Forwards (Importers)
    • Seagull (Exporters)
    • Seagull (Importers)
  • Deliverable LIBOR Swaps
  • Deliverable Overnight Index Swaps (OIS)
  • Deliverable Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
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Structured Financial Instruments

  • Digital Options
  • Equity Linked Notes/Options
  • Credit Linked Notes/Options
  • Commodities Linked Notes/Options
  • Asian Options
  • Path Dependent Options
  • Barrier Options
  • Knock in Knock Out (KIKO) – Down & In
  • Knock in Knock Out (KIKO) – Up & In
  • Knock in Knock Out (KIKO) – Down & Out
  • Knock in Knock Out (KIKO) – Up & Out
  • Standard Reversible Convertible (SRC)
  • Bonus Cap Certificates (BCC)
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Structured Financial Instruments

  • Digital Options
  • Equity Linked Notes/Options
  • Credit Linked Notes/Options
  • Commodities Linked Notes/Options
  • Asian Options
  • Path Dependent Options
  • Barrier Options
  • Knock in Knock Out (KIKO) – Down & In
  • Knock in Knock Out (KIKO) – Up & In
  • Knock in Knock Out (KIKO) – Down & Out
  • Knock in Knock Out (KIKO) – Up & Out
  • Standard Reversible Convertible (SRC)
  • Bonus Cap Certificates (BCC)
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Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Financial Instruments (FI) Desk

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - SBLC Monetization Desk

Treasury Consulting Group - FI Desk

G3/G7/G10 Financial Instruments

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd Financial Instruments Desk covers all sorts of Plain Vanilla, Exotic Financial Instruments. We services to Corporates, Banks, Financial Institutions (FI), Hedge Funds, Non Banking Financial Corporations (NBFC) and respective Stakeholders. We are equipped with Financial terminals like Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, Meta Trader (MT4), Meta Trader (MT5), Teletrader, Execution Management Systems (EMS) and Order Management Systems (OMS).

Trade Finance Instruments

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd Financial Instruments Desk covers all sorts of Trade Finance Instruments like Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), Bank Guarantee (BG), Standby Bank Guarantee (SBG), Letter of Credit (L/C), Trade Finance Instruments Monetization Programs, Trading Programs. Our Desk covers Trade Finance Instruments issued by G7 Banks like Goldman Sachs (GS), Credit Suisse (CS), JP Morgan Chase (JPM), Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), UBS, ANZ, Westpac, National Australia bank (NAB), Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) and respective G7 Banks

24X5 - Real Time Valuation Support

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd Financial Instruments Desk covers Real Time Valuation Support of all Financial, Non Financial, Plain Vanilla Derivatives, Exotic Derivatives, Trade Finance Issuances (Fresh Cut Securities), Trade Finance Instruments (Discounting Securities), Trade Finance Instruments (Monetized Trading Programs), Monetized Private Placement Programs (PPP). Real Time Support do covers legal vetting of all Financial Instruments as well which covers Pricing, Valuation, Legal Vetting or redesigning of the contract.

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Treasury Consulting Group (TCG)

Welcome to ​Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Singaporean Multinational HQ Group. TCG owns World's 1st Derivatives Bot - Julia who is also be World's 1st Virtual CFO Assistant.

Your conversation with Julia may be recorded for Training, Quality Control and Dispute handling purposes by TCG Legal Entities (World wide). Julia covering 16+ Assets Classes, 160+ Sub Asset Classes, 1000+ Sub Sub Asset Classes, 2000+ Sub Sub Sub Assets Classes, 5000+ Questions, Inbuilt Sliders (Downloadable) & Still Counting.

By 2024 Julia would cover 4 Languages (EN, CN, JP, EU) and would be a Multilingual Chatbot in Financial Markets.

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