- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - A Singaporean Multinational HQ Group ( $ 500 Million Valuation Group ) having Legal Entities in Singapore, HK, India.
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Fixed Income Platform (www.fixedincome.global) is now being watched in 200+ Countries of Globe.
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) working to set up Energy/Petroleum Business in OPEC Region via the upcoming Commodities Exchange. To start incorporating by 2021 # OPEC Region #
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) set to cross $ 1 Billion Business Valuation by Dec'21 (Independent I Bankers as TCG is 100% Cash Rich Group)
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) launched 3rd International Legal Entity - " Wondorous Capital (HK) Limited " in Hong Kong (HK) # June'19 #
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) working to launch VC/RegTech Accelerator (attached with our Fixed Income Platform - www.fixedincome.global)
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) launching " Investor Relations (IR) Framework " which covers Bank Reporting's in FX, MTM, Risk Reporting # Dec'19 #
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) World's 1st Derivatives Bot - " Julia " live now # Singapore # Hong Kong #
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) committed to creating the Largest Training Platform in Globe. To have 500+ Training by Dec'21.
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Bespoke Derivatives Desk started uploading " Video Courses ". 25+ Videos Courses would be live by June'21.
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) to launch Fashion Brand - TRFX # Apparel # Books # Stationary # Designs # Dec'20
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Derivatives Bot Julia all set to launch ( 16+ Asset Classes, 160+ Sub Asset Classes, 2000+ 3rd Level Asset Classes, 5000+ Questions, Push Sliders, Frontend, Backend Tracking, Multi Selection Asset Class Facility, Live FX Rate coming from MT5, FX News # Live Now #
- Considering upcoming E-Commerce Ops, Defence Desk with Defence E-Commerce, and multiple upcoming facilities. Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) set to cross Unicorn Status somewhere 2022-24 (Independent I Bankers, United States tracking TCG)
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) all set to launch Project Smith which would bring 1000+ FX Combinations in Public Domain ( FX Currencies - 784 Combinations, Commodities - 25 Combinations, Indexes - 50 Combinations, Crypto - 25 Combinations ). Project Smith to fully live by Oct'21
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) to shoot Movie/Documentary - " Life in Treasury Markets ". To shoot in 4 Countries - Singapore (50%), Hong Kong (30%), India (10%), Rest of the World (10%) # Q1 2022 #
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) to launch OSX (Apple) App including Fixed Income Platform, Banking Messanger in 2021.
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) to launch Andriod App including Fixed Income Platform, Banking Messanger in 2021.
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) to create I Banking Platform covering all aspects of I Banking # Year 2021 #
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) all set to file for Digital Banking License in Singapore with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). To replicate the same with HKMA, Finma ( Swiss Regulator ) by Dec 2020
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) started selling FX Derivatives on Amazon. By Q1'20 we would be able to sell Derivatives covering all 8 Asset Classes - FX, FI, MM, Commodities, Energy, Petroleum, Structured Derivatives & Cross Asset. The year 2020 people can able to buy FX Derivatives directly from Amazon
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) approved by Lazada. All set to sell FX Derivatives on Lazada covering South East Asian (SEA) Financial Markets
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Private Placement Program (PPP) Desk launching " 1% SBLC Swaps " in Singapore, Hong Kong, South East Asia (SEA) Financial Markets
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) to launch " Derivatives Exchange " wherein Traders can come and sell their Derivatives Instruments. Derivatives Exchange would be live by Q2'20
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is invited by Google to upload E-Books, Audio Books on Google Play Books. We are planning at least 1000+ Audio Books by Dec 2020 on Google Play Books and our Fixed Income Platform - www.fixedincome.global
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) launching Treasury Consulting TV. We are in touch with VOD Platforms and would also link with our OTT Platform - TRFX Academy
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) launching 26+ New Products during 2020. By end of Dec 2020, we would be having strongest InterBank Desk vs G7 Banks. All set to launch all Products in a Phased Manner
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) applied for Bank License in Singapore. We also planning to apply in London, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Netherlands, Hong Kong, South Korea and Lithuania
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) launching 4+ Structured Derivatives on Amazon.com and Fixed Income Platform - www.fixedincome.global
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) launching a Hedge Fund covering Fixed Income, Currencies, Commodities (FICC). We would be launching this in Singapore +2 Countries. Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) linking the same with Fixed Income Platform - www.fixedincome.global
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) launching many exchanges like Commodities Exchange, Electricity Exchange, Defence Exchange, Marine Desk and respective. To launch in a Phased manner by Dec 2021
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) launching Hedge Fund covering Fixed Income Currencies Commodities (FICC) in Singapore. Expected date of launch Q2'20 !
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) launching " Independent iBanking Desk " which would be acting like an independent Desk !
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Hedge Fund covering Commodities like Gold, Silver, Platinum, Aluminium, Steel, Diamond.
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) evaluated Hedge Accounting Disclosures by so-called Big4 and there are many key Strategic lapses in Hedge Accounting. We challenge Big4 to come and talk with us regarding Hedge Accounting norms. Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) also designing own Hedge Accounting Platform which would be live by Dec’21.
- Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) believes that the time has come when Credit Rating Agencies (CRA) should revise their Baseline Credit Assessments (BSA) and Credit Assessment Matrix (CAM) for Banks. The way we are assessing Banks is completely obsolete.
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is a Singaporean Multinational HQ Group (Soon either London or NY HQ Group) having $ 500 Million+ Valuation – 100% Cash Rich Group, 0% Debt, 0% VC funding. As a Group, we are having an interest in 8 BV (Business Vertical), 44 BD (Business Domain). Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) operates own Fixed Income Platform - www.fixedincome.global (World's 1st Fixed Income Platform, Watched in 200+ Countries of Globe), Own Video App - Fixed Income Platform (Android Platform), Treasury Desk and soon launching Exchanges like Commodities Exchange, Electricity Exchange, Treasury Desk and big setup covering our App Operations on or before Dec 2022

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II)
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is pleased to present MiFID II Desk. Our MiFID II Desk covering Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF), Orgainsed Trading Facility (OTF), Trade Reporting, Technologies, Platforms, Trade Analytics and Trade Cost Analytics.

Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Peer To Peer (P2P) Repo Desk
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is Pleased to Present Peer To Peer (P2P) Repo Desk. TCG is launching its own Peer To Peer (P2P) Repo Desk by December 2019 (Including Tripartate Repo). Treasury Consulting (Singapore) Pte Ltd would be managing P2P Repo Desk.

Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Expected Credit Losses (ECL) Desk
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is Pleased to Present Expected Credit Losses (ECL) Desk. Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) covers all forms of ECL - All Assets Classes, All Models, Retrospective Expected Credit Losses (ECL), Prospective Expected Credit Losses (ECL)

Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Foreign Exchange (FX) Desk
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) Pleased to Present Foreign Exchange (FX) Desk. TCG is having dedicated Deliverable, Non Deliverable FX Desk covering 8000 Assets Classes like Spot Contracts, Forwards, Swaps, Energy & Pertroleum Products.

Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Regulatory Technologies (RegTech)
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is Pleased to Present Regulatory Technologies (RegTech) Desk. Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) RegTech Desk covers 31 Regulatory Technologies from AIFID till MiFID II. We do cover high end consulting covering RegTech.

Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Private Placement Platform (PPP) Desk
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) Pleased to Present - Private Placement Platform (PPP) Desk. Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is having 9 types of PPP - Cash Investment, Cash Holdings, Currency Swaps, Monetized PPP, Trade Finance and respective.

IFRS 9 - Model Risk Management
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) Pleased to Present IFRS 9 - Model Risk Management. We are having dedicated Accounting Desk which covers IFRS, US GAAP Accounting Standards, Consolidation, Foreign Exchange (Fx), Disclosures till Business Combinations.

Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Valuation Adjustment Desk (XVA)
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) Pleased to Present Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA). TCG XVA Valuation Desk covering all 7 types of Valuation Adjustments like LVA, CVA, DVA, FVA, KVA, MVA and COLVA.

Central Banks Hedging Strategies - Liquidity Swaps (LS)
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) Pleased to Present Central Banks Liquidity Swaps. Video would be covering about as How Central Banks are hedging their exposures using Liquidity Swaps which includes Currency Exposures (Cash Flow, Fair Value, Net Investment Hedging)
Fix ed Inco me - Pla tfo rm D es k

Platform Desk - FTD Swaps
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is Pleased to Present Platform Desk. Our Platform Desk covering all types of Products like PPP, Banks Financial Instruments, Trade Finance and Credit Products. We cover Corporates, Banks, FI & Hedge Funds.

Platform Desk - Complete Cycle of PPP !!
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is Pleased to Present Platform Desk - Complete Cycle of PPP. Our Desk covering all types of Products like PPP, Banks Financial Instruments, Trade Finance & Credit Products. We cover Corporates, Banks, FI & Hedge Funds. 

Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Private Placement Platform (PPP)
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is Pleased to Present Private Placement Platform (PPP) Deck. Our Platform Desk covering all Products like PPP, Banks FI, Trade Finance and Credit Products. We cover Corporates, Banks, FI & Hedge Funds.
Fix ed Inco me Pla tfo rm - Ser vic es
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— Treasury Consulting (@TConsultingLLP)Follow
Career Desk
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Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) finalising the launch of Fixed Income KPO, LPO in Singapore, Hong Kong. Fixed Income KPO, LPO covering all Plain Vanilla, Exotics, Structured Fixed Income Instruments.
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) is coming up with 4 Multi-Billion Desks - Defence Desk, Commodities Desk, PKI Desk, IRS Platform. All 4 Multi-Billion Desks would be live by Dec 2020.
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) looking to hire suitable Intellect candidates from B Schools to participate with our Fixed Income Platform. Please upload your CV at Careers Desk of Fixed Income Platform.
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG)
Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Treasury Connecting Platform - Treasurers
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Treasury Consulting blogs

How to Pitch to Venture Capitalist (VC) !
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering How to Pitch to VC

Alternatives in Pension Funds, SWF !
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering Alternatives in Pension Funds, SWF !

FX Trading Rates by Banks !
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering FX Hedging Rates by Banks

Future of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Services
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering Future of CFO Services

Expected Credit Losses - Impairment Modelling
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering ECL - Impairment Modelling

Treasury Consulting Group - SME Club (SG)
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering Treasury Consulting Group - SME Club

Future of FX - Bright or Fad !
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering Future of FX - Bright or Sad !

Future of Regulatory Reporting
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consuting covering Future of Regulatory (Reg) Reporting

Hedging of DLC vs ETF Options
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering Hedging of DLC vs ETF Options

Outlook 2019 - Treasury Consulting Group
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering Outlook 2019 - Treasury Consulting Group

Outlook 2019 - Global Economy
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering Outlook 2019 - Global Economy

Treasury Consulting Group - TMS Desk
The attached is Blog by Treasury Consulting covering Treasury Consulting Group - TMS Desk

Ou r Succ ess Sto ri es
Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP is having $ 5 Million of Valuation and moving towards $ 10 Million of Valuation. Sitting today we have 8 Verticals, 44 Business Domains. By 2019 we are expecting 10 Verticals and more than 50 Business Domains.

Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP - Fixed Income Platform coming up with World's largest Fixed Income Platform which to be develop in 9 Phases. Final Phase to be coming in Mar 2020 which would be covering from Fixed Income Markets till Crypto Currencies.

Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP
OPEC Royal Family would like to be a Strategic Partner for Treasury Consulting LLP !

Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP to nominate in Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Award. Treasury Consulting LLP - Fixed Income Platform would get nominated in RegTech Awards covering all functionalities of Fixed Income Platform ( 25 Technical Desks ) ! To nominate March 2018 !

Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP - Private Placement Programs (PPP) Desk all set to cross $ 500 Billion of Assets Under Management (AUM) covering all sorts of Assets Classes. PPP Desk expected to cross $ 1 Trillion of Assets Under Management (AUM) by 2019 via our Singapore Private Placement Program (PPP) Desk and $ 2 Trillion by 2020

Treasury Consulting LLP - PPP Desk
Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP won $ 300 Mn Private Placement Program (PPP) Deal in Costa Rica. Treasury Consulting LLP Private Placement Program (PPP) Desk envisaged to cross $ 1 Trillion of AUM by 2019

Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP
Treasury Consulting LLP won $ 500 Mn Private Placement Program (PPP) Deal in United Kingdom (UK). Treasury Consulting LLP Private Placement Program (PPP) Desk envisaged to cross $ 1 Trillion of AUM by 2019

Treasury Consulting LLP
Amongst Top 50 Growing Companies in India
Treasury Consulting LLP ranked amongst Top 50 Growing Companies in India for the Year 2018-19. Award being given by British Forum London Partners, IE 20

London Partners
Treasury Consulting - Credit Derivatives Desk
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Credit Derivatives Desk focussing high end Derivatives. Treasury Consulting would soon establish Credit Derivatives Desk in Singapore.

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Private Placement Programs (PPP) Desk
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd launching COBRA X which would be a Club of elite Private Placement Professionals across the Globe. COBRA X would be covering all Assets Classes across the Globe.

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Assets Trading Platform (ATP)
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (A Singaporean Multinational Group) all set to launch Assets Trading Platform (ATP) which would be covering all ill liquid Assets in the Books of Corporates. Assets Trading Platform (ATP) would be coming by Jan'19.

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Private Placement Platform (PPP) Markets
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (A Singaporean Multinational Group) - Private Placement Platform (PPP) Desk all set to launch Structured Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC) for all Clients. All Structured SBLC would be coming live by Jan’19.

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Non Deliverable Forwards (NDF) Valuation
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (A Singaporean Multinational Group) now having capability to do valuation of all 19 Non Deliverable Currencies like ARS, CNY, INR, MYR, KRW, BRL and respective. Treasury Consulting is having Bloomberg, Reuters, MT4, MT5, Web Trader and C Trader.

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Treasury Desk
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (A Singaporean Multinational Group) launching Treasury Desk which would integrate all Desks like FX, FI, IR, IRS, PPP, Custodian, Islamic Banking, Pension Funds, Family Office Desk and respective Banks. Treasury Desk scheduled to come in 2020. With the launch Treasury Consulting as a Banking entity.

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Compliance Audits
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (A Singaporean Multinational Group) is all set to launch Compliance Audits - Passive Compliance Audits, Aggressive Compliance Audits, Most Aggressive Compliance Audits.

Treasury Consulting Pte LtdTreasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Public Listing
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (A Singaporean Multinational Group) would go for listing in 2022. We are planning to list with SGX in Singapore.

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Largest Trainings Platform of Globe
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (A Singapore Multinational Group) is working to create largest Trainings Platform of the Globe. To be ready by Dec'19 on our Fixed Income Platform.

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Investments to Touch 100 Million !
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (A Singaporean Multinational Group) Corporate Investments would be touching INR 100 Million by H1 2019 ! Profitable Startup !

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Islamic Banking Desk
Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd is all set to launch World's Largest Islamic Banking Desk. Islamic Desk would be of 17 Tier and covering all Assets Classes ! Launching Oct'18 !

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd
Tr u st ed By M a ny

International Universities

Chartered Accountants (CA) Firms

Regulatory Bodies

G7 Banks

Multi National Corporates (MNC)

Non Banking Financial Corporations (NBFC)

International Consulting Bodies

Financial Institutions

Education Institutions

Business Schools

Professional Forums

Stock Exchanges

Crypto Traders

Ethereum Traders

Hedge Funds Currency Desks

Hedge Funds Trading Desks

High Frequency Trading (HFT)

Pension Funds