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Treasury Consulting Group
- Bond Desk

  • Inflation Linked Bonds
  • Step Up Notes
  • Staircase Notes
  • Covered Bonds
  • Floating Rate Securities

Treasury Consulting Group
- Bond Desk

  • Adjustable Rate Securities
  • Variable Rate Securities
  • Inverse Floaters
  • Reverse Floaters
  • Range Notes
  • Standard Treasury Bills – 91 D, 182 D, 275 D, 365 D
  • Non Standard Treasury Bills – Cash Management Bills (CMB)
  • Investment Grade (IG) Corporate Bonds
  • Non-Investment Grade (NIG) Corporate Bonds
  • Original Issue Discount (OID) Securities – STFX, MTFX, LTFX
  • Hard Call Period / Hard Put Period Convertibles
  • Index Spread Trading Bonds
    • Inter Index Trading Bonds
    • Intra Index Trading Bonds
    • Ratio Futures Spreads Trading Bonds
  • Bond Options
  • Bonds Futures Options

Measuring Interest Rate Risk

  • Full Valuation Approach
  • Embedded Securities
  • Options Free Securities
  • Convexity of Bonds
  • Concavity of Bonds
  • Duration Modelling
  • Convexity Modelling
  • Concavity Modelling
  • PV01 Portfolios
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Fixed Income (FI) Bond Desk

Agency Debt Securities

  • Agency Debt Market
  • Shorter Dated Agency Securities (SDAS)
  • Longer Dated Agency Securities (LDAS)
  • Callable Securities - Interest Rate Risk
  • Puttable Securities - Interest Rate Risk
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Fixed Income (FI) Bond Desk

Structured Notes & Credit Linked Notes (CLN)

  • Structured Linked Notes
  • Credit Linked Notes
  • Floating Rates Notes
  • Medium Term Notes
  • Long Term Notes
  • Inverse Floating Rates Notes
  • Leveraged Inverse Floating Rates Notes
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Fixed Income (FI) Bond Desk

Inflation Linked Bonds

  • Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)
  • Treasury Inflation Indexed Securities (TIIS)
  • Real Duration Bonds Programs
  • Effective Duration Bonds Programs
  • ILB - Assets/Liability Management
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Fixed Income (FI) Bond Desk

Covered Bonds

  • On Balance Sheet Securitization
  • Off Balance Sheet Securitization
  • Pass Through Certificates (PTC)
  • Structured Covered Bonds
  • Assets/Liabilities Mismatches
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)
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Fixed Income (FI) Bond Desk

Convertibles Securities - Valuation & Trading

  • Convertibles Securities
  • Contingent Convertible Clause
  • Convertibles Debt Products
  • Zero Coupon Convertibles
  • Original Issue Discount (OID) Securities
  • Contingent Convertibles Securities (COCO)
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Fixed Income (FI) Bond Desk

Treasury Consulting Group - Bond Valuation Desk

Treasury Consulting Group - Carry Trades Desk

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Real Time Valuation

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Covered Bond Desk do have the Financial Models like Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, Meta Traders (MT4), (MT5), Tele Trader, Execution Management Systems (EMS) and Order Management Systems (OMS) which will help us to have Real Time Valuation of Real or Derivatives Assets. Models also help us to create capability of Pricers Analytics covering all Assets Classes which includes Covered Bonds (with Securitization) and Covered Bonds (without Securitization) in the books of Corporates, Banks.

Credit Ratings

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Covered Bond Desk covers all sorts of Credit Ratings assigned to Banks, Corporates, Financial Institutions (FI), Hedge Funds, Proprietary Trading Desk who are issuing Covered Bonds - with and without Special Purpose Entity (SPE) having underlying Pool of Assets. We do have Financial Models which would assist issuers to have Credit Ratings of their Covered Bonds and their Securitization Models associated with their Covered Bonds.

Credit Modelling

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Covered Bond Desk covered all sorts of Credit Modelling via Mean/Standard Deviation Approach, Internal Risk Based Systems, EDF, Transition Matrices, Mark To Market (MTM) Paradigm, Discounted Contractual Cash Flow Approach, Duration Neutral Valuation Approach and last but not the least Conditional vs Non Conditional Models.

Treasury Consulting Group (TCG)

Welcome to ​Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Singaporean Multinational HQ Group. TCG owns World's 1st Derivatives Bot - Julia who is also be World's 1st Virtual CFO Assistant.

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By 2024 Julia would cover 4 Languages (EN, CN, JP, EU) and would be a Multilingual Chatbot in Financial Markets.

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