Career Desk

Treasury Consulting Group (Singapore)

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Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd – PROFESSIONAL Development CORNER

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Treasury Consulting Group (TCG)

Welcome to ​Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Singaporean Multinational HQ Group. TCG owns World's 1st Derivatives Bot - Julia who is also be World's 1st Virtual CFO Assistant.

Your conversation with Julia may be recorded for Training, Quality Control and Dispute handling purposes by TCG Legal Entities (World wide). Julia covering 16+ Assets Classes, 160+ Sub Asset Classes, 1000+ Sub Sub Asset Classes, 2000+ Sub Sub Sub Assets Classes, 5000+ Questions, Inbuilt Sliders (Downloadable) & Still Counting.

By 2024 Julia would cover 4 Languages (EN, CN, JP, EU) and would be a Multilingual Chatbot in Financial Markets.

By Clicking Continue you would be submitting your Name, Email ID, Contact details before using Julia. You Accept & Agree to bound by TCG Terms & Conditions & Privacy Statement.


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